We started a movement in 2021. A movement to transform Fresno into a cleaner, greener, more beautiful place to live. It’s working – and it’s growing every day!
Thanks to Mayor Jerry Dyer’s vision, Beautify Fresno has transformed our community with the help of thousands of volunteers picking up over 400,000 pounds of trash, removing over 250,000 square feet of graffiti and planting over 500 trees.
Our success is based on one simple idea: SIGN UP. SHOW UP. CLEAN UP.
52,184 hours
hours of volunteering at Beautify Fresno events since 2021
6,875,005 lbs
of litter and debris collected by Beautify Fresno sanitation crews and volunteers
250,000 sq.ft.
sq. ft. of graffiti removed by Beautify Fresno volunteers since 2021
580 trees
trees planted by BF volunteers